Sunday, March 26, 2017

NEW (ACTUALLY OLD) Phone scam for Windows fix

You know the phone scam where a person with an accent calls and says you have a problem with Windows?  Well, they have a new ID on your phone:  "Private Caller"  As usual, they want to log into your computer.  The tool they use is remote control software from  This is located in Milano, Italy.  Once they get you to install the linkage software, much like Teamviewer, then they ask you to give them the ID and password generated by the software.  If things don't really go right, then they ask you to run "eventviewer."  This is a real Windows maintenance application that will show all the activities of windows.  It will ALWAYS have some errors in it.  They say that your computer has a critical problem and that they will fix it for some amount.  I never got that far but the usual fee is $299.   I talked to them for 30 minutes and... well, they were from Timbukto CONNECTICUT.  Ha.  I said I was from there and never heard of such a town.  I said, Oh, you are from Africal (FYI, in case you haven't been there, Timbukto is in Mali, west Africa.)  They insisted they were from CT.  I commented on their excellent CT accent (NOT).

I had followed their instructions and they were really having trouble getting the supremocontrol software to work, even though I gave them my control information.  I said my thumb was hurting because it was stuck in the computer as a thumb drive.  They didn't understand.  Anyway, I wasted 30 minutes of their time having fun with them.  BTW. I won't give away any secrets, but they were trapped in a special operating system arrangement I have that completely boxes up anything they do and then throws anything they do away at the end.  I get a log of all their activities.  They were tied in a knot.

Don't try this yourself.  Leave it to a pro.  HA.  I'll report them to the appropriate authorities.

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