Friday, May 27, 2016

Windows 10 is installing "without your permission." Free version ends July 29

It has been a while since I've made a contribution to this blog.  Chalk it up to lots of outside spring yard work and a bad back.  This blog entry is a warning that

  1. If you haven't upgraded to Windows 10 and have been clicking on the x on the window that suggests that you upgrade, you are now consenting to the upgrade, and you get a surprise:  Window 10 installed on your computer.  I've seen this 3 times in the last 3 days.  In some cases it is no big problem, but it can be a big problem if you are using an application that is not compatible with Windows 10.  There are quite a few.
  2. If you haven't upgraded, you have until July 29 to do it for free.  After that, there is the usual cost for a Windows product, about $100. 
For more information copy the following into your address bar and go to the web page:


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