Saturday, December 31, 2011

An Inventory of What's On or In Your Computer


This means:
  • Every Windows and installed program, the version, and how often the program is used.
  • If the program has a key, the key.
  • Detailed information on every hardware component
I'd like to highlight two programs I use for this. One, Belarc, does everything listed above; the other, called CPU-Z, focuses on hardware. You can save the results of either program as a "complete web page."
{Note: The links on this page go to a web service called "CNET." Whenever possible I get my downloads from this site. The primary reason is safety. If you run a search on a program name, say "Belarc," the search will return pages of links. In today's predatory environment, it's possible, even likely, that some of those links lead to infected pages, resulting in either an infection on your computer or some creative rerouting of query to a poison page. So, when I am looking for an application, I type "cnet [program name]" into the browser's search field.}


Belarc gives the best summary of software on your computer, and does a good job of outlining the hardware and network setup as well. Once you download it from CNET, it takes just a minute to install and run. As it installs, it will ask to update to the latest definitions. Say yes to that. Once it runs, the results are shown directly in your browser. The web page itself is on your computer, not on the internet. (The url shown in the address field of this figure is a file on your C: drive:

You will want to save this web page as a "complete" web page in a place that will be backed up. Or, print it. Run the program every so often, to give you an audit of the applications, system file versions, and hardware on your computer. (If you have more than one computer, do this for each one.)
Rather than give further instruction in this blog entry, I refer you to a bunch of utube "lessons" here.


This program provide a geek with a wealth of knowledge about the hardware:

It can be obtained from CNET by typing "cnet cpu-z" into your search bar.  Or use the link in the Introduction. As with Belarc, there are a number of Youtube tutorials (here). If you want more RAM memory or a better video card for your computer, then this program is a must to help select the right memory or card!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Senior Discounts

A recent email listing available senior discounts indicated a web site with a list of senior discounts by category.  I googled “senior discount list” and came up with a number of sites.  Here is one. You can google your own.  I’m going to test the Duncan Donuts discount.  Let me know what you find. 

Oh, I found that McDonald’s gives their largest coffee for $1 and free small coffee.  If the franchise uses the premium coffee, it is a really good deal.  Use the comments field below to let everyone know about local upstate offers. 

How to Obtain Software from CNET

Whenever possible I get my downloads from this site. The primary reason is safety. If you run a search on a program name, say "Belarc," the search will return pages of links. In today's predatory environment, it's possible, even likely, that some of those links lead to infected pages, resulting in either an infection on your computer or some creative rerouting of the query to a poison page. So, when I am looking for an application, I type "cnet [program name]" into the browser's search field; eg “cnet Belarc.”  Then I pick the result that has “cnet” in the location.

The result will look like this.  The download will be provided through a large green “Download Now” button on the left side of the page.  (Sometimes there will be more than one button.  This is a little sneaky- they are looking for you to click on the wrong button.  If there are two green buttons, click on the one that looks like the example below.


CNET has become more commercial, so lately its download has looked like this: 



Then, when you start the download, you will get something like this:


Click the Run button:


Click the Next Step Button


This is where you get the add or you are asked if you want to download some other program too.  Be careful about checkmarks… if something is checked indicating you accept whatever, uncheck it.  In this case.  Click either click the Decline button or go ahead and support the Cause.

Eventually you will come to the “real” install screen: 


Thursday, December 15, 2011

A New Year's Resolution, and Some Tools to Help

2011 is ending with a flurry of software update activity:

  • Microsoft- a large number of critical and important updates
  • Adobe- ditto
  • Apple- ditto
  • All apps- end of year updates
Make it a New Year's resolution, and don't put it off, to bring all your applications current + create a backup of your updated system.  I have some tool recommendations for

  • Creating a computer inventory list of all system and installed applications, as well as all software keys.  A list of all hardware is also provided  
  • Updating and establishing an automatic schedule for future updates for your Microsoft products.
  • Identifying and updating your installed apps; creating an automatic alert mechanism.
  • Updating apps and the operating system for Apple.
  • Full backup of all system and applications files (doesn't include YOUR documents, music, etc, which should be backed up in other ways)
Each of these recommendations is long enough to be a blog entry in itself, so watch for subsequent entries.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Danger! Those sneaky Android Ads

PCWorld, Jan 2012 has an article by Tom Spring on the ads that are "popping up" on Android devices (eg, your Droid).  Those ads are either "full screen" or they appear along the bottom of the display.  They are compelling, telling you that you need to adjust your battery (and we have the app for you), you've won something, etc.  The ads that run along the bottom of the display are particularly troublesome, because you can't make them go away and it is easy to hit them as you flick through the rest of the screen.  Bottom line:  DON'T SELECT THEM; BACK OUT; USE ADVANCED TASK KILLER (free, available at The Market) to avoid the ads.  Most likely, these are dangerous, and you will end up losing your address book, your phone number, your email, your passwords, and the phone's unique IMEI number.

I also have security on my phone (Lookout, free for basic service and available at The Market) and I use Lastpass (unlike the PC/Apple/Linux version, there is a fee for this service) for all user ids and passwords, available at The Market)

When to buy a tablet?

Among the ways tablets are different is the operating system, connectivity, and inherent functionality.  Steve Fox (PCWorld, Jan, 2012) says that he expects it will be the end of 2012 before these factors have all matured to the point where tablets can be purchased "without reservation."  So, if ;you can wait, get one next Christmas.

Most Reliable Laptops and PCs

PC World's Jan. 2012 issue has published lists of most reliable electronics- Desktops, Laptops, Cameras, etc. It is not scientific, but it is consistent with my experience. Some nuggets:

  • Laptops:  Dell and HP on the bottom, Apple, Samsung, Toshiba, Asus on the top.
  • Desktop:  Dell and HP on the bottom, Apple, Asus on the top
On the service side, Apple is on the top, HP is on the bottom.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Microsoft IE 9 “Speed up Browsing” Message

(Note: In the following, some of the pictures are kind of small.  To make them larger, double click on the picture.)

Sometime or another, as you run your Windows updates,  you WILL get an update permission request for Internet Explorer (your Microsoft browser).  This has a number of needed security improvements.  You should install it. But… after you install it you will start getting this message at the bottom of the screen:

It will drive you CRAZY!  If you google the problem, you will see pages and pages of discussion and recommended solutions.  The best I’ve seen, though it is technical, is this.
The usual solution, and the one that seems to work OK, at least for the present, involves setting a time limit associated with when this popup is triggered.

To set this time limit:

  1. Make sure your menubar is showing:  Right mouse button click on the area at the top of the browser window. In my browser this area is baby blue.
  2. topofIE9

  3. You will get a selection list.  Click Command bar
  4. BarSelectList

  5. The result should look something like this:
  6. image

  7. Left click the Tools entry and then left click the Toolbar entry
  8. Tools

  9. THEN left click the Disable add-ons:
  10. image

  11. You’ll get a window like this:
  12. image

    This shows a list of all the add-ons and the approximate time required to start the add-on whenever you start IE9.  Note near the bottom it says “Tell me when the delay exceeds” and then a box, which is this picture says 1 second.   The box is a “pull-down.”  Left click on the arrow and a list of times will display. Set that number be significantly greater than the sum of all the start-up times in the above list by left clicking on the appropriate number.  Left click Done.  The message should not reappear unless the total time to start up all the add-ons exceeds that number…. or until Microsoft decides to reset it during a security update.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to Change Your ATT Email password.

1.  Go to
2.  Click Log In in the upper right and log in.

3.  Click Profile

4.  Click Create/Manage Sub Accounts

5.  Click Edit User Information

5.  Click on "Edit Security Information."  THAT is where you can change your email password!  A mess, huh!  (Anybody got a shorter route?)  

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Banks have dramatically increased ATM Use Fees: But there is still a place with a low fee

There has been recent news about Bank of America charging $5/mo for using their ATM.

This blog entry is related to that.  Recently I needed to get some cash.  I have a debit card.  I know that I will be charged a fee for using another bank's ATM.  However, I was surprised by the new Wachovia policy.  When I enterered $200 as the amount I wanted to withdraw, the seemingly usual "disclosure statement" popped up on the ATM screen that I would be charged a fee for using Wachovia's ATM.  In the past this was $1 / transaction.  But lately it was $2.50.   But, on closer examination, the terms have changed.  The fee was $3.50.   Worse than that, the maximum that I could withdraw was $60.  So, they were charging a fee of $5.9%!   I bet this is going to be happening with almost every bank ATM.

BUT... there is one place where the fee is a flat $1.50 per transaction: Walmart.  Find the ATM located usually near customer service.  The machine is actually more than an ATM; it is a general services machine.  It has a "Walmart" label on it.   Pick the "ATM" button and go from there.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Saga of Setting Up a Modem and a Router- ATT

Those of you who have lost your modems due to lightning in the past several months have probably gone through the NEW setup process ATT has established. In some ways it is much easier. When you plug the modem into your computer via ethernet and you power it up, there is now a "wizard" that walks you through the setup process. It even goes so far as to change your password to the new 6 character password. (Many set their internet-ISP- password to be the same as their email password. More than a year ago, ATT changed that. They want you to have a password that is different than your email password. Furthermore, they want to generate the password; they don't want you to provide the password.)

All well and good until you find that your router no longer works. In fact, no matter what you do, you can't get the router to work. You have to get someone to help. If it is me, I come, look at what has been done, and scratch my head.

Well, the following is a dialog I had with ATT support about this issue. In the dialog, you will see some basic problems I have with ATT support. If read through it, you'll also see the solution to the problem of getting the router to work.

I hope it is entertaining and informative to you. 

Support: Hi Mr. Leet! How can I assist you today?
You: Can you see my question?
Support: I am currently pulling that information here on my end. I see here that you are trying to setup a router and connect it to your motorola modem, right?
You: yes. But the new firmware, and apparently the "att preferred procedure" is to NOT put the modem in bridged mode. I can't find any info on your website about how to set up the router. There should be some generic instructions, such as, maybe "static IP", along with appropriate settings, etc. I'm stumped.
Support: Thank you for that information. You have an option not to put the modem on bridge mode or bridge it Mr. Leet. It will also depend on how you would like to configure your router.
You: NOTE: I have NOT opted to put to put the PPPoE on the router. This was forced by the new software.  This is an ATT thing, not my thing.
Support: We have limited support when it comes to configuring third party router but we have our Connect Tech Department that can further assist you in connecting your router to your motorola modem.
You: IF ATT, as is apparent, requires PPPoE on the modem, then ATT should provide the REQUIREMENTS for setting the router, regardless of brand. If that is not ATTs position, then I want to be escalated to the next level.
Support: We have a department that supports this type of issue which is our Connect Tech group. I can also provide you some links on how you can bridge the modem and configure third party router.  I understand your concern and really would love to help you but we are not trained on how to configure third party router and we might break your router if I force myself to walk you through in configuring the router.
You: I know how to bridge the modem. ATT does not want me to do that. Why? Is this an economic thing- it costs too much to train for router? OR is it technical. NO. Escalate!
Support: These links will help you configure your connection.
You: Give me your super.
Support: AT&T recommend not to bridge the modem but you can always bridge it since the option is available Mr. Leet.
You: Sorry, but I'm looking out for the average ATT customer. The average customer doesn't have the skill to set up the router! And ATT does not provide any help on their web site nor will it provide any help through first level support. This is untenable. You're super please.
Support: Please allow me one moment while I contact my supervisor for you Mr. Leet.
You: In our area of the country lightning travels through the phone wires. ATT has not properly protect the wires or the wires are getting old. The lightning charge travels the phone lines and destroys the modem- sometimes despite surge protection, but most of the time because your customers don't know and haven't been told to run their line through a surge protector before going to the modem.
Support: I will now transfer you to my supervisor.  I'm so sorry to know that, Mr. Leet.
You: So every storm, I'll get calls from a half dozen people who can't get internet service. Their modem has to be replaced. The new software is great, in a way. It walks them through the process. It gets the new 6 character password, if they need it. But then it puts PPPoE on the new modem. Then they have to call me because they are stuck with no instructions on how to do the router and no support from ATT. The only option is the 2wire.
Support: Yes, that's the default settings but we can always bridge it by choosing PPPoE on Router, gateway or computer.
You: That sucks.
Support: I have helpful links here on how to bridge and configure a third party router.
You: And I suppose it is because you don't have first level that can be trained on the router.
Support: We usually give this to our customers who needs to bridge the modem since they have a wireless router.
Support: The true that we are not trained in configuring wireless routers aside from the router that AT&T offers but we have a dedicated department that are trained and highly skilled when it comes to router issues.
You: I'm sorry, but please understand that they are being put in nonBridged mode and the script you use at first level doesn't say, OH, then put your modem in bridged mode if you have a router. It says we can't help you! That highly trained department actually isn't so highly trained, based on my experience. Sorry... But you charge for it. Not customer friendly. So, can you commit to changing the script to say-  if you have a router, then go back and change the modem to bridged mode after the wizard has finished. Set up the router as PPPoE. Use the new 6 character password we gave you. ???    And... if you have an airport and a 2 wire, bridge the 2 wire and turn off the wifi... something else first level doesn't seem to know.
Support: This is noted Mr. Leet.
You: OK, I'll note it as well. Thank you.
Support: The reason why we informed you about our scope of support regarding this issue so that you will be directed to the correct department that can assist you with this concern as well as provide you the links on how to bridge the modem and configure the router on PPPoE mode which we usually give to customer that has a non-AT&T modem/router.
Support: By following the steps provided on the links, you will be able to configure your network and connect to the internet.
You: No, that last phrase is not true. This recent storm caused 3 modems to go, and I've done many more in the last 6 months. In no case was I told or was the customer told to bridge the modem. They were told only that ATT does not support 3rd part routers. That's the script that needs to be changed!
Support: I understand what you're trying to say. Rest assured that I will take note of this concern and let our department know about this.
Support: Anything else that I can help you with Mr. Leet?
You: No. If you can get the message through to the trainers and change the script, then there will be a lot less frustration on the part of the customers!
Support: I will do so Mr. Leet. I'm really sorry and rest assured that we will take note of your suggestion and put it into action if it is necessary.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Which Browser Is More Secure?

Read a good article (here) on browser security.  This is focusing on the capability of browsers to protect you from infected web sites and downloading infected apps.  IE was the best of the bunch- overwhelmingly so.  I use Chrome for my everyday browsing, Firefox on occasion for some of its fancy features, and IE when I’m going to specific Microsoft web sites.  I've found IE is the most “fragile” of the browsers:  from time to time it will fail in a big way and when I go to one of the other two browsers, everything works fine.  In fairness, on occasion, where the site has been designed especially for IE, I find that Chrome and Firefox will break and I have to use IE.

A key point made in the article is that the testing was done on IE 9.  IE 9 is OK, but the author emphasized the need to move to IE 9 if you haven’t done so.  Search for “IE 9 download” and make sure you are at a Microsoft or cnet site. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Best New Computer All-in-Ones + The BIG AIO Problem

I probably should separate this entry into two, but I’m in a hurry, so…

Computer All-in-Ones are the computer where the screen and all the parts are “in-one,” so all you have is a screen and a key-board. 

PCWorld has come out with a new ranking.  You can find it here.

One of the models they highlighted was the HP Compaq 6000 Pro.  Its novel feature is that there is easy access to the hard drive, RAM, and the optical drive.  That means I can actually fix problems with these components. 

The second part of this entry is “The BIG AIO problem.”  AOIs are hard to repair.  If you have one of the Apple AOIs, which can cost several thousand dollars, for all practical purposes you’ve got a use and throw away machine.  It is more or less impossible to get at the hard drive, the RAM or other components.  If any of these go then you might as well throw the thing away.  My son alerted me to this problem when his big Apple AOI hard drive went.  To replace it, you have to use suction cups to remove the screen (after some tricky set up), and work between a lot of components. 

I should also mention that the Airport is just as bad.  If you have a Time Capsule and the drive goes bad, you are more or less stuck with throwing it away. 

HP and all the other manufacturers are not much better when it comes to maintenance.  So, beware!  AOIs are pretty, neat, etc, but you should consider them “throw away”. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

How to Use Skype on Your Smartphone (Android), especially when traveling

OK. Here's the scoop, which I have verified during my 3 week trip to Europe. You can use Skpye as your phone service when you are not in range of your primary cell phone provider. The steps are:
1. Download the Skype app. Do not download or use the Verizon Skype app, which is called "Skype Mobile." These are different beasts! It is Skype Mobile that restricts you to using its data network.
2. Be sure to set up your Skype account with an automatic replenishment of minutes: say 20 minutes at a time. That way, you won't be cut off of a conversation in mid-stream.
3. To use Skype, turn on Airplane mode.
4. Go to Settings.Data Manager.DataDelivery. Uncheck both "Background data" and "Data enabled." I don't think this is absolutely necessary, but I don't want to be surprised by roaming data charges.
5. Start your wifi (To use Skype you must be wifi connected and the connection must be a good one)
6. Start the wifi app and perform the necessary actions to log on to Skype.
7. Make the call.

A real convenience: Skype links to your regular google contacts! So you don't have to enter phone numbers, etc. Once in Skype, to dial the phone number of someone in your google contacts, tap the "all contacts" icon and enter a search string.

A note on making a phone call: The call is more like a walkie-talkie call. You both can't speak at the same time! It is the kind of thing where you talk and then say "over" to let the other person talk.

With respect to setting the phone to wifi: wifi uses a lot of power. Turn it off whenever you can.

Mac iMail “Gotcha” Makes All Your eMail Disappear!

I recently got a call from a neighbor who said that her iMail email had disappeared; not the app itself, but all the folders and email.  iMail wanted her to start over, defining the email accounts.  From her point of view, all her email, include some very important stuff, had disappeared. 

When I investigated, sure enough, all indications were that her email had disappeared!  What a disaster!  I googled the problem and came up with this link.  It started me on the trail to a solution, which was to find the original email folders and then redefine the email accounts using exactly the same name as used in the Mail folder.  She got all her mail back, but it was a little disordered, since the recovered email folders came under a high level email folder called Recovered or something like that. iMail doesn’t offer the necessary folder reorder options to move everything back to the appropriate folder structure. 

Anyway, the root cause of the problem is a an iMail “gotcha.”  iMail uses a special file, a .plist file, to define some key information about the mail configuration.


This “twice in a row” doesn’t have to be “twice in a row in a few minutes;”  it is “twice in a row ever!”  Given our record of frequent internet outages, it is a given that those who use iMail will eventually encounter this problem.

Conclusion:  Don’t use iMail.  Use a free email application called Thunderbird.  OR stick with a cloud (internet) application like Google mail.  (By the way, Google mail also has a client program, so, if you have a slow connection, you can download your gmail through the client and manage your mail on your computer, not on the internet.)

Issues using Picasa (3.8) to create photo CD/DVDs

{Note:  I’m going to discuss the latest version of Picasa, 3.8; however, these comments are more or less true for earlier versions.}

How can I burn a CD or DVD from Picasa?  The answer is in “layers.” 

Layer 1:  Picasa says you should create a gift CD/DVD.  This is done by putting all the pictures in an album (not Picasa folder) and working from there.  Note that this does NOT move the pictures from the actual “physical” Windows folder; instead, it creates a copy “virtual” entry in Picasa’s “proprietary” database object called an “album.”  You can get the official detailed instructions here.   The result is a CD/DVD containing a copy of the photos along with Picasa software to view the photos.  The captions and comments associated with the slide show will be those you entered inside Picasa. 


Warning:  These captions and comments are in the Picasa proprietary database; they are NOT in the information Windows attaches to the picture file.  So, if you create a CD/DVD using the methodology used in Layer 2 below, your captions and comments won’t be in the collection.

I use Picasa because it really is powerful at managing and editing both photos and movies.  And, by the way, you can use almost any other photo/video manager and it has the same problem- it has a database that uses a proprietary database to contain labels and comments.


Layer 2:  Use Windows Live Photo Gallery to edit file names, titles, and other information.  Get it here.  When you open Live Photo Gallery you can open the real Windows folder containing the photos.  Right click on any photo and click Properties.  At this point, the real Windows Properties dialog will pop up.  The general tab has the real name of the photo file.  You can change that, but leave the .jpg or .raw file type.  Then click on the Details tab. 

JPG Properties

This tab shows you the Windows metadata associated with the picture.  It’s this information that, if you do it right, will be transferred with the picture to a CD/DVD in such a way that it will follow the picture wherever you copy it to.

You can click on any field, or nearly every field, and enter information into the field. 

  1. Select all the pictures or folders you want to copy burn to the CD/DVD.
  2. Click on the little folder icon at the top left of the window.
  3. One of the options will be burn:
  4. From here, follow the directions.  The Burn will use Windows burn technology. 

This technique works well if you have Windows 7.  Earlier versions don’t always work well- you might get repeated messages to load a blank CD/DVD and it never gets out of that loop.  This leads to level 3. 

Level 3:  Use a good general purpose burner to create your photo/video CD/DVD.   I use ImgBurn.   This application is reliable across Windows platforms.  Note that you are burning a data CD/DVD and you want the metadata to be copied as well.   

To summarize, the methodology for editing I recommend is:

  1. Use Picasa to edit and manage photos.  But don’t add titles, descriptions, etc using Picasa
  2. Use Windows Live Photo Gallery to add the titles and descriptions.  Note that these titles and descriptions WILL show up in Picasa. 
  3. If you don’t have Windows 7, use a general burning app, such as ImgBurn, to burn. 

I know this post is loaded with techie talk.  Consider it just an outline. Please add comments if you want further explanation or have comments. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Using a Laptop in the Car

Q.  We’re leaving Friday for our trip and I have a question for you.  My car has an auxiliary power area in the console.  It’s a small round hole almost like an earphone jack.  Of course, our laptop computer doesn’t have anything like that on the power plug.  Is there some kind of adapter I should buy?

A.  That wouldn't supply DC power, would it? Isn't that an audio output? What you would need is a cigarette lighter transformer to 120 Hz AC power- a transformer. Plug your computer power plug into that. I think they are pretty expensive. Google to see. Around here, Best Buy and maybe a larger Radio Shack would have them.

On the back or side of your computer you can read the power requirements for a DC power source. It is usually about 19 v and a few amps. That spec can be violated somewhat if you leave your battery in the laptop. Err on the low side and don't err by much.

To use your computer effectively, you should sit in the back on the side opposite the sun. Get a couple of those plastic sun shades that have suction cups to place on the back windows. That will keep the light low enough that you can use a lower screen brightness.

When you purchase your next car, consider the AC 120 plug accessory. I have an old Toyota (2004) and it came with that plug. It is great for all kinds of things, like a small cooler or a laptop.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

All! the Microsoft Keyboard Shortcuts are in 1 place

Occasionally when I am helping someone I'll do something "dramatic" that completely changes what we are seeing on the screen. I used a keyboard shortcut; you know, cntl-C for "cut," etc. It turns out there is a keyboard shortcut for just about every feature and command in any Microsoft product. My secret is this web page: Try it, you'll like it and you can dramatically speed up your work, or fun, for that matter.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

What Skype Says About Using Skype on Smart Phones, especially Verizon

We understand that you are unable to establish Skype calls using your Skype mobile on Verizon Wireless. We appreciate the chance to assist you with this

As for your concern, please be informed that it is not currently possible to call domestic US phones using your Skype mobile on Verizon Wireless. On Android devices: you cannot use Skype mobile on your Verizon Wireless Android phone while connected to a WiFi network. If you attempt to use Skype mobile while you are connected to a WiFi network you will be notified that Skype mobile requires you to switch to the Verizon Wireless data network and should either disable WiFi or Exit. You may want to verify this information by visiting this link:
Can I use Skype mobile on my Verizon Wireless phone while I am connected to a WiFi network?.

You can dial US domestic numbers from Skype mobileT, and these will automatically be carried as a normal Verizon Wireless call, using your plan minutes. This way you can continue to benefit from your existing Verizon Wireless calling plan. The application will alert you when this is happening, but if you often call US numbers from within the application, you can choose not to see the message every time by checking the 'Do not show this message again' box.

We appreciate your feedback regarding this matter and will definitely look into it.

However, implementing changes can take time, which means that the suggestions you make today might not be available in the near future
Please be patient while we work to make Skype even better.

Do you have a weak Verizon Signal? Verizon and Skype

There's been an ongoing problem in our communities.  Because the developer company uses Verizon, Verizon has worked with the developer to make its signal strong and available throughout all the communities.  As a general statement, the Verizon signal is better than any other provider.  However, our mountainous terrain does mean some locations don't get the signal.  Verizon offers, sometimes at a cost of around $250 and sometimes free ?, a signal extender.  That's the background for this blog entry.

Some technical and political background:

- As far as I know, any Verizon extender uses bluetooth to communicate to your phone.  (The extender then passes your signal through the internet to a Verizon "server." 

Because the phone uses bluetooth, you have to be close to the extender to start a call- within 15 ft or so- then you can go further away.   Depending on obstructions and electrical "noise" you might get 30 ft away, more or less. 

- I've found the 3G signal seems to work OK no matter where you are in the Valley.  Has anybody had any other experience?  That would suggest a 3G solution.

- Of course, the new smart phones also have wifi capability.  That would suggest a Wifi solution. 

The latter two suggest Skype as an alternative for calling.  Skype uses the internet to make calls.  If you call others that have Skype, the call is free.  Skype has other pay plans, but they are inexpensive. 

So, you would think you could go to the Droid market (or Iphone equivalent) and download the Skype widget.  In fact, all the Skype hype in recent days says just that.  Guess what?  When you try to make a call with the Skype widget, you get a message that says you can't use skype in the US to make calls from a Verizon phone.  You will be switched over to the Verizon network to make the call.  You will be charged Verizon minutes!   You're back to the old non existent or weak signal.

So, I'm leaning on Skype.  First, they have to change the extensive add campaign they've started to say that Verizon customers do not have the capability to use Skype.  But, it would be in both company's best interests to allow Skype use for those in weak signal areas.  Folks, that would be a quick and more than adequate solution to our problem.  I'm going to work on Verizon to change their policy on an "as needed" basis. 

What do you think?  Would you support me by lobbying Verizon?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fate of OpenOffice

I've recommmended OpenOffice to many of you as a more than reasonable free alternative to MS Office.  Well, there's been some churn in the world of "free" applications and some doubt about future support for OpenOffice.  For a techie-worded update on OpenOffice support status, go to this link.

For those who use Ubuntu as their primary or alternative operating system, you'll see that the current version, 11.04, has LibreOffice installed.  Now you know why.  

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Outlook and the iPad (or other computer, for that matter)

Your decision tree looks like this:

Do you want to stick with Outlook or go to something else?

I.  Stick with Outlook:

1.  You may be able to install Outlook yourself- no cost for installation.  There is some risk.
2.  You will have an environment that is somewhat easier to learn;

1.  There will be a learning curve over the 2003 version, since the new outlook has a ribbon interface and some important functions have been moved around enough that they are hard to find- sometimes even help isn't that helpful. Tthere will be some trial and error or time spent watching the tutorials, even for he experienced Outlook user.  (Maybe I should say "especially for the experienced Outlook user.)
2.  The initial software cost: is over $100.

II.  If you don't stick with outlook, there are a number of "free" alternatives.

1.  No software cost
2.  May actually open up additional functionality and convenience.

1.  Learning curve, though perhaps not as much as going from your current version of Outlook to a new version.
2.  You may have to pay for installation- transferring the outlook database, contacts and calendar to the new environment.  This depends on your skill and patience.

Three to mention:

1.  Windows Live- the replacement to Outlook Express, has the standard function of the old Outlook.
2.  Thunderbird- an opensource alternative that is highly configurable and more function than outlook... if you want to learn to use the new function.  But "out-of-the-box this looks like a fancy version of 2003.
3.  Google- In general, this would be a web client.  However, if you want quick download and disconnect, then you would want to fire up a client on such occasions.  One such situation is when you are on a cruise. Then you could use any iPad email client.  Google is my choice for web email client, even if your ISP happens to be AOL or ATT.  That is because it is "light:"  not a lot of ads and expecially no animated ads; and it has a lot of configuration features that link with email clients and Google Desktop.

III.  Not worry about synching to your outlook database at all.

Assuming you have an iPad email client, create the POP3 account for ATT, the same way you did for Outlook. Upload your contacts list to ATT on occasion to keep it recent.  Download it to your iPad email client.  Then turn it on.

Note that both your Outlook and your iPad email client would be set to delete from the ATT database only when the Delete folder contents are deleted.  This would keep the two clients somewhat in synch.  (This assumes the iPad email client has this capability.)

I've read something about the standard iPad email client:  You might read through that and maybe another client would be better for you.  In fact, Thunderbird- option 2 above- is one of those, leaving me with the thought of good fung shui, since both clients are the same.

I haven't followed through on what goodies Thunderbird offers for synching multiple instances of the database.  Usually someone will develop a utility for this.  But synching email isn't necessary when the clients are configured to leave on the server and then delete when the delete folder is emptied.  Synching contacts can be an issue, but this can be overcome with a web client like google, which can be considered the golden source, and the client synchs to that source when downloading.  (Possibly you would have to start this process manually, depending on the capabilities of the client.)

OK, so assuming you go with an Outlook upgrade:

1.  You can get Outlook separately or as part of the Office Pro package.  Always get the latest version.
2.  There are three  on-line places to shop around here, in addition to just typing "Outlook 2010 2011 prices" as a search phrase.  These are:  Microsoft Store, Amazon, and Costco.  Don't expect the prices to vary more than 15%.  Sometimes Microsoft will have a special one day deal, like the time I was able to get a Dell Netbook free with the purchase of an Office Pro license.  
3.  Always do the download, if available, AND get a DVD.  The latter is important when trying to recover from a crash or transferring to a new machine.
4.  There are two configurations to every Office deal:  a card and the full package.  The card is a license for only 1 machine.  It is often somewhat less expensive.  The other is a license for 3 machines.  If it needs to be installed on more than 3 machines, then consult Microsoft small business for price options.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Where's your cordless phone?

Having trouble with your wireless keyboard and mouse?  How about your wireless reception?  If you have placed your cordless phone- even just the handset- between your router and any receiving wireless device or between your mouse or keyboard and the wireless transmitter, then you will experience communication problems.  These include unexplained wireless "drops" and "low signal" notices from your wireless receiver.  So, where's your cordless phone today?

Friday, May 13, 2011

How Can My Contacts Be Stolen and Used for Spamming When They Are Only Stored on My ATT web email Account?

This is, to me, a question that must be answered by any ATT.  On their main support site they provide the following information.
My email account is sending Spam to my contacts
Some users have reported that their contacts received spam that originated from their Mail account.  If you've experienced this issue, your account has likely been compromised and was used by an unauthorized third party to send spam or fraudulent emails to your contact list.  It is a strong possibility that one or more of your computers has been compromised with a virus or other malicious software, putting all your personal data at risk, including your email address and password information.
AT&T Information Security Services recommends you take the following steps to recover full control of your account information:

  • Make sure all computers on your network are clean and your network is secure

  • Wireless Security:

    If you utilize a wireless-capable connection device, please ensure that the wireless connectivity is disabled if it is not being used or that security is enabled for the wireless connection. If security is not enabled anyone within range of the device can use the connection and you as the account holder will be held responsible for any activity originating from your connection.

  • Change your Password

  • By changing your password immediately, you can minimize the resulting risk for your account. You may want to change it immediately to secure your account and again once you are sure your network is clean. For help selecting a strong password and/or safeguarding it against misuse, please review the tips posted in the password section of the Yahoo! Security Center.
    Other considerations:

    Notify contacts - Use an alternate email address or another form of contact to warn your contacts not to open anything from your compromised email address. Recommend that they use updated firewall and anti-virus protection and keep all security patches updated. They should also run an anti-virus scan.
    Create a new email address - If you don't mind losing your email address it's best to start fresh and create a new one. You can go here to create new AT&T sub accounts.
    Keep records - Your email address is linked to many of your online activities. If your ID is compromised, you don't want the bad guys asking your bank to send a new user name and password to that email account. Keep track of every activity tied to your email account, and if the account is compromised, immediately notify your bank, credit card company and any other related accounts.
    Put online purchases on hold - You'll want to make sure your computer is virus-free before you start entering credit card numbers for online purchases. Some malicious software enables criminals to track every key stroke a computer makes.

    To me this does not answer the root cause question- how did someone get the contact list from my ATT net account.   (This assumes that your contacts are not on your computer.)  It seems that, if I run the right anti-malware programs and find nothing, then it is ATT itself that is compromised!  So… I contacted ATT and this is my dialog: 

    I am asking this question on behalf of our entire community. Our community has been hit by spam. It seems to be originating from one person, at least the emails have the person's bellsouth email in the FROM field. The person ONLY has contacts in ATT web email; nothing on the computer.
    I do apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. I'll do my very best to help.
    So, I've read what is on the ATT/Yahoo web site regarding this.
    I've checked the person's computer for malware using the most advanced techniques. Nothing. So, I need to tell everyone in the community (about 500 homes, almost all ATT subscribers) how this happened and what to do. How could someone get the person's contact list? Or, perhaps is it actually a spoof, with someone else's computer having the infection. I need a good explanation other than ".change password.".
    I am very sorry that this is happening. I apologize for the inconvenience that this is causing.
    That doesn't "feel good" to any of your subscribers. The "change password". is a syndrome fix, not a diagnosis of the problem.
    It's possible that the person might have open a spam email or replay to it that's why it had the contacts or was able to access email.
    I don't understand the sentence. Let me try to rephrase it.
    I mean it's possible that she did open a spam email or she may have replay to a spam email.
    The person is on ATT email. The person opens a spam. NOTHING gets to the person's computer, since there is no evidence of malware on it. But person responds to the spam. That gives the spammer the person's email. Is that what you are saying?
    Yes, that is correct. Here's a link on how you can recognize , avoid and report spam emails.
    BUT! How did they get her contact list?
    pushes page,
    OK, I read that before I contacted you. That doesn't help diagnose this problem, it only throws a bunch of potential solutions without isolating the cause. The big question: How did they get the person's contact list? Please answer.
    There are some spam email that asked for the account information and if you reply to that email , it will allow the spammer to access your email and copy all your contacts or send a spam email to your contact.
    The person didn't give a password.
    The spammer have there own way on accessing your account with the information that you provide. There are some spammer that even use your email address in sending the spam email.
    Here is a scenario I want to pass by you as a root cause. I want you to say that this is a likely cause and then I want you to pass it on to ATT supervisor for action. On your last note about "their own way" you mean they have a password generation routine? But that doesn't make since. Don't you shut down a email account if 3 unsuccessful attempts are made?
    I suggest that you change your password and go over the link that I gave you to recognize and avoid spam emails. Yes, email are block after three attempts , if password or email address are not entered correctly.
    OK, but here's what I think and I want you to pass to your superiors. I think the email goes to the spammer and the spammer checks Facebook. I think they get the contacts from facebook through a robot that trolls unprotected facebook accounts.
    You can forward the spam email that you receive to abuse& so that we can check on that and block it from our server.
    So... what needs to be added to your instructions is how to avoid exposing information on facebook. A link to the instructions on facebook security provided by the facebook organization, along with some words about how that exposes their email account and what actions in the instructions the user should follow should be a top priority of ATT
    Yes, I'll make sure that my supervisor will be able to review this chat session and I'll be posting a note on your account regarding this issue.
    Yes, I'll make sure those things are noted.

    I really don’t feel comfortable with the response, because they can not describe how someone with no malware can have their contact list stolen other than to perhaps point the finger of responsibility to someone else.  Assuming the spammer/hacker has obtained the password within 3 guesses is, to me, absurd!

    The most likely scenario is that the hacker got to this person’s email through another computer that had a contact list on it (not on ATT).

    The only other explanation is that the person was infected with a special piece of malware that, when the person is logged on to ATT, can command ATT to download the contact list.  After the contact list is transferred through the firewall(s)! to the spammer, the infection complete removes itself, so not a trace is left. Remarkable!
    The hacker/spammer then sends emails to everyone on that infected computer’s list, using addresses in the contact list for the from address.  So… changing your password doesn’t help at all!


    Wednesday, April 20, 2011

    A Scam for all Genealogists

    My father recently received this email:

    Sent: 4/20/2011 4:33:11 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
    Subj: Leet Family News Update
    Don't reply to this email address as we don't monitor it. Instead use
    The Leet Family News
    Spring Update
    Leet family quiz
    see bottom
    March                                                                                                             Spring Edition
    If your name is Gerry Leet
    you're in this Yearbook.
    Leet Family Yearbook now shipping.
    Our anchor publication about Leet Family History and genealogy is The
    International Leet Family Yearbook.
    Published since 1992, the Yearbook is updated constantly as new information becomes available for the Family.
    The International Leet Family Yearbook is divided into two sections. The first section is topical, containing general information of interest to a family historian. The second section contains  Leet data.
    In that section we publish the latest news in  Leet births, deaths, censuses, marriages, etc. This section is very popular with our readers.
    Six Jillion LeetAncestors?

    4,398,046,511,104 TONS OF ANCESTORS

    This whole thing got started, as I was looking at an ad for one of those 9 generation Ancestry Charts. A nine-generation chart has 256 great, great, great, great, great grandparents out there - all of which are absolute key players in one's existence. If one of those 128 Great (6) Grandpas didn't go for the twinkle in one of those Great (6) Grandmas' eyes - ! I wink out of existence.
    These 256 individuals were all living here in the U.S. and Europe around 1808 (20 years per gen eration). Their grandparents had seen indepen dence in 1776. Their grandchildren would live through the CivilWar. I only know the name of 2 of my 256 ancestors nine generations ago, yet they were all absolute key players!
    It was at this point that I started playing with the computer. Hmm, in 1492 "when Columbus sailed the ocean blue" there were 33,554,432 family members (well, let's just call them key ancestors.) In 1066, William the Conqueror was "doing in" the British Isles and there were 70,368,744,177,664 family ancestors. Hmm, something is wrong here. There weren't that many folks on the earth at that time.
    Your 47-generation Ancestry Chart probably would have lots and lots of duplicate ancestors. Fred and Alice the Conqueror  Leet might appear millions of times on the last row of your 47 genera tion chart as their descendants intermarried.
    Do you know that: If you lined up all these an ces tors head to toe (assuming that they averaged 5 feet in height) that they would make a line 66,630 miles long, weight (at 135 lbs. per  Leet) would be 4,398,046,511,104 tons!!!
    Oh my goodness.!
    Mrs Leet was kidnapped by a mad scientist who held her in his laboratory against her will and ...
        Well no.
    Mrs. Leet gave birth to another little Leet - which was even more painful in those days. Two Leets making their joyous mark in history.
    You can also mail-in your order to
    Leet Family News
    3124 S Parker RD #K313
    Aurora CO 80014
    Comments, letters to the editor, complaints, suggestions
    Forward this email to a friend
    Family Yearbook
    Published by
    the Family News
    We're now shipping The 2011 updated version of the Leet Family Yearbook chucked full of new stories and Leet family data.

    Do the
    option and we will research, print and ship your custom book for $29.85+$5 S&H. (Save $10).

    Or do the
    option and we will rush 3 Leet Family Yearbooks to you for $59.85+ S&H. (Save $25)
    All orders includes a complementary "Trees, Trees, and more trees" Cd (depicted below) at no cost and while supplies last
    A collection of family trees
    Finally check out our surname membership,
    Leet Family News
    to see what other surnames we have, or to find more information about your  Leet  name
    What happens once you've ordered.
    These are custom made yearbooks
    1/ You receive a confirmation email from Pay Pal.
    2/ It is researched and returned by the next Monday.
    3/ Its printed, bound and mailed by Friday.
    4/ It goes U.S, mail (book rate)
    You risk nothing. Satisfaction. Order your copy(s). If you are dissatisfied you may return your copy(s)
    within 15 days of receipt for a full refund. Data is about the entire Leet families in the U.S. and is mainly
    historical in content. Photos do not denote family member unless noted. This Newsletter contains advertisements.
    Copyright 2011. Morphcorp Llc 3124 S Parker RD #313 Aurora CO 80014
    This is a hoax! You can google “morphcorp” and get thousands of hits similar to this one (Note that this is from 2005! They are at it again.)
    Again ! ! !
    Anybody remember Beatrice Bayley, then, Halberts, then "Your Name"
    This scam has been around as long as we have been doing genealogy. Each time
    they are found out, they move and change names and/or someone else takes over.
    Isn't it sad that there are opportunists out there and enough gullible people to support
    them - for awhile?
    Junction City, OR
    In a message dated 11/28/05 10:29:52 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
    xxxxxxxx writes:
    My Dad received this. I don't remember which genealogical society LCGS is.
    I considered buying one of these books.
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 8:10 AM
    Subject: LCGS FYI Lawsuit Against Morphcorp for Fake Family Histories
    Bill Mahoney sends the following to share. An FYI warning was sent out
    earlier about these fake histories. It is nice to know
    something may be done about the people running this company. Let's wish
    Arapahoe County much success in this.
    25 Nov 2005
    State Sues Genealogy Company
    The suit claims 150,000 people nationwide were swindled out of $49.95 each when they bought a book with fake family histories from Morphcorp of Denver.
    By Manny Gonzales
    Denver Post Staff Writer
    For $49.95, people who bought genealogical "yearbooks" from a Denver-based company got the same family coat of arms, the same family recipes and even the same family jokes, according to a lawsuit filed Wednesday. And it was a lucrative scam that swindled 150,000 people nationwide who bought into fake family histories, according to the civil suit filed by Colorado Attorney General John Suthers.
    The suit, filed in Arapahoe County District Court against Maxwell MacMaster and his company, Morph corp LLC, seeks to cease the operation and penalize him up to $2,000 per book sold, which could amount to $300 million.

    "This is a guy who has been exploiting a natural human emotion, a curiosity about our family history . and he made a lot of money doing it," Suthers said. "People got a standard book that really reflects no individual genealogical research. The books come with a family (crest), but if your surname is Jones it would be the same (crest) used if your last name was Smith."

    MacMaster, who has residences listed in Denver and Kailua, Hawaii, was contacted about the suit but said he had not read the specific allegations and declined to comment. His lawyer could not be reached for comment.

    Aurora resident Lynette Dahl is one of 21 alleged victims in Colorado. Dahl said her family purchased a yearbook a couple of years ago in hopes of learning more about where she came from, but what she got was "generic." "They make it sound like you're going to get all this great information, but you get it and it's generic, fill-in-the-blanks stuff," Dahl, 42, said. "The book had a coat of arms for my family, supposedly. But when I opened it, immediately I could tell this was some kind of cruel joke." Dahl said that after numerous attempts to reach the company and after filing complaints of unfair business practices, she finally was refunded her money from Morphcorp.

    According to the suit, MacMaster advertised in magazines and sent out mailings offering a yearbook detailing "2,000 years" of family history.  The suit claims MacMaster and his then-wife made various false and misleading statements in direct-mail advertising claiming that they shared the same last name of the consumer targeted by the flier. The suit also alleges that Morphcorp engaged in improper pricing practices. The company mailed out 250,000 fliers a month, the suit claims, and targeted mostly people over the age of 60. The books sold contained much of the same information, including "family jokes and recipes," and family pictures appear in each yearbook regardless of the surname of the consumer, the suit claims. There were some variations, Suthers said. For a German surname, the books contained the same German family recipes and jokes. Because jokes were the same in many of the yearbooks, some Jewish customers were offended when their families were referenced as being Catholic, the suit claims.

    It's the second time MacMaster has gotten into hot water for an alleged genealogy scam. In 1996 he signed an assurance as president of a company called Mountain Pacific News Service to cease operations. Suthers hopes to prove MacMaster violated the agreement, which would be another violation of the Colorado Consumer Protection Act.  The attorney general has been investigating the company for about a year,  since complaints were submitted to the Better Business Bureau.  "As these complaints roll in, it's almost comical how this guy would try to fool people," Suthers said. "Anyone with any  sophistication almost immediately would identify the yearbook as boilerplate."

    Saturday, April 2, 2011

    Important New Scareware Infects Hundreds of Thousands of Sites

    Scareware is a kind of "virus" that takes over your computer and poses as an antivirus program.  Often you can not do anything but push the power button to turn off your computer or click on a button that says something like "fix these problems."  In the latter situation, clicking the button will install different programs on your computer that steal your identity and address book, etc.  The key to easily removing the scareware is to NOT click on the button.

    Anyway, this scareware is called LizaMoon.  The scareware is called "Windows Stability Center."  Information on the infections can be found on Computerworld.  That page includes a link to a discussion of the sites that are infected.  Visit the WebSense site to see how widespread this problem is.

    Thursday, March 24, 2011

    IMPORTANT: How to avoid catching a scareware infection

    Scareware is the kind of malware/virus that pretends to be a security program.  It comes up and says you have an infection.  It says something that persuades you to click on a button; something like "click here to remove the infections."  Once you click on the button, your "hooked".  The scareware completely takes over your computer.  It disables your virus software.  It disables registry edits.  You can't bring up any function at all.  Your only option appears to be to click the botton.
    DON'T CLICK THE BUTTON!  Not once, not ever!

    Here's what you do:
    1. Manually turn off your internet.  Either pull your ethernet cable out and turn off your wifi using the hardware button or slider, or turn off your wifi.  If you have to, pull the power on your router.
    2. Turn off your machine.
    3. Turn your machine on.  With the internet disabled, you should be able to start your virus program and it will disable the scareware.  
    In general, it is best to have a separate user account from the one you usually use.  In some cases, you can log onto that account and not encounter the scareware.  (The scareware installed its package under your id, not under the spare id.)  Run your virus program.

    Also, in general, you should have Malwarebytes installed and keep it up to date by weekly downloading its signature file.   Run Malwarebytes instead of your virus software.  Let it remove the package.  Then run your virus software.

    I can't emphasize enough that you should keep your virus software up-to-date.

    As background, here is the problem.  The way this scareware installs itself is to download a package that does nothing but install a command to start the scareware the next time the computer is turned on.  That next time the scareware installs before the antivirus software can come up.  (If you have Microsoft Security Essentials installed, you might notice that the little icon at the bottom right of your screen is red for a little while after your session starts.  That is the vulnerable time.)  It uses the internet to complete the installation and disable your antivirus software. 

    Thursday, March 17, 2011

    Tips and Tricks for MS Office, especially 2007 and 2010

    In my experienct the number one problem casual MS Office users of have is formatting. The golden rule for successful and efficient formatting is to use styles and styles only; formatting should NOT be done by brut force, using the various formatting tools you have in your font, paragraph, etc tab group or toolbar. (The only exception might be to bold or italicize a character.)

    Styles are found on your Home Tab, Styles Bar (2007 or later) or on the style toolbar (2003 or earlier). Styles have names such as Paragraph, Heading 1... through Heading 9, Bulleted List, Numbered List, etc.

    There are an uncountable number of web sites providing tutorials on styles. I've listed a few below. You can find hundreds of thousands of references by googling "Microsoft Office Styles Tutorials References Cheat Sheets."

    The Microsoft Office Training Site is very good; equivalent to buying one of their fat $50 books. Plus it has videos and guided tutorials.

    The few links:

    Windows Internet Explorer 9 Is Here.

    Lately I’ve been using Google Chrome for most of my internet browsing.  I like its features: 

    • Fast
    • Lean- other than the browser page, not a lot of other stuff to clutter the screen
    • The address bar, where you type web addresses, and the search bar, such as Google, are merged into one bar.
    There are other features too.

    It does have one BIG limitation: it works only on Vista and Windows 7. XP users can not install it.

    This version is pre-general-release, which means it is about a month from the official push by MS to have everyone switch. I recommend that those who are adventurous or that want to assure they won't have problems install this new release. Have another browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, as backup.

    See Kim Komando's Komments on IE 9.

    Saturday, March 12, 2011

    Gift Taxes (I know, this is not officially IT, but it is valuable information)

    I got this from  Note that you can give non-taxed gifts to more than your family AND you can give more than $13K per year with a little bookkeeping, subject to a $1million limit.  

    The Gift Tax

    Updated for Tax Year: 2010If you give people a lot of money, you might have to pay a federal gift tax. But the IRS also allows you to give up to $13,000 in 2010 to any number of people without facing any gift taxes, and without the recipient owing any income tax on the gifts.

    Why it pays to understand the federal gift tax law
    If you give people a lot of money or property, you might have to pay a federal gift tax. But most gifts are not subject to the gift tax. For instance, you can give up to the annual exclusion amount ($13,000 in 2010 and 2011) to any number of people every year, without facing any gift taxes. Recipients never owe income tax on the gifts.
    And you can give a total of up to $1 million in gifts - 5 million starting in 2011- that exceed the annual limit in your lifetime, before you start owing the gift tax. If you give $15,000 each to ten people in 2010, for example, you'd use up $20,000 of your $1 million lifetime tax-free limit—ten times the $2,000 by which your $15,000 gifts exceed the $13,000 per-person annual gift-free amount for 2010.
    The general theory behind the gift tax
    The federal gift tax exists for one reason: to prevent citizens from avoiding the federal estate tax by giving away their money before they die.
    The gift tax is perhaps the most misunderstood of all taxes. When it comes into play, this tax is owed by the giver of the gift, not the recipient. You probably have never paid it and probably will never have to. The law completely ignores gifts of up to $13,000 per person, per year, that you give to any number of individuals. (You and your spouse together can give up to $26,000 per person, per year to any number of individuals.)
    If you have 1,000 friends on whom you wish to bestow $13,000 each, you can give away $13 million a year without even having to fill out a federal gift-tax form. That $13 million would be out of your estate for good. But if you made the $13 million in bequests via your will, the money would be part of your taxable estate and, depending on when you died, might trigger a large tax bill.
    The interplay between the gift tax and the estate tax
    Your estate is the total value of all of your assets, less any debts, at the time you die. For most people, no estate tax applies in 2010. Under the recently enacted tax relief act for 2010, if you died in 2010, you have the option of applying the rules for 2010 or the new rules for 2011 which will tax estates over 5 million at rates as high as 35%. That 5 million is an exclusion meaning the first 5 million of your estate does not get taxed. The option to use either set of rules is based on the rules for basis adjustments. Deaths in 2010 result in only limited basis adjustments. For deaths in 2011 the cost basis is the market value on the date of death. The executor will be allowed to choose the rules that are most advantageous to the estate and its beneficiaries.
    The estate tax revisions enacted in December 2010 are temporary and are scheduled to expire after 2012.
    So why not give all of your property to your heirs before you die and avoid any estate tax that might apply? Clever, but the government is ahead of you. As noted above, you can move a lot of money out of your estate using the annual gift tax exclusion. Go beyond that, though, and you begin to eat into the exclusion that offsets the bill on the first $1 million of lifetime gifts. Go beyond the $1 million and you'll have to pay the gift tax—at rates that mirror the individual income tax, up to 35% in 2010.
    You know that exclusion that protected you from the tax on the first $1 million of gifts in 2010? Every $1 you use to pay the tax on lifetime gifts reduces by $1 the exclusion that otherwise would offset estate taxes on up to $3 million after you die. Bottom line: You can't avoid the estate tax by giving your wealth away. That does NOT mean there are no estate planning advantages to making gifts. There are, and they will be discussed later.
    Beginning in 2011, the gift tax and the estate tax will be unified with an exclusion amount of $5 million. The estate tax exclusion had been scheduled to expire in 2010 and then reappear in 2011 with a $1 million exclusion. The new estate tax exclusion is now scheduled to expire after 2012.

    The basic tax basis issue
    As you consider making gifts, keep in mind that very different rules determine the tax basis of property someone receives by gift versus receives by inheritance. For example, if your son inherits your property, his tax basis would be the fair market value of the property on the date you die. (Special rules apply for deaths that occur in 2010.) That means all appreciation during your lifetime becomes tax-free.
    However, if he receives the property as a gift from you, his tax basis is whatever your tax basis was. That means he'll owe tax on appreciation during your life, just like you would have had you sold the asset. The rule that "steps up" basis to date of death value for inherited assets saves heirs billions of dollars every year.
    For 2010 only, estates of decedents who died during the year have the option of using the stepped-up basis rule with a $5 million exclusion or using a carryover basis rule with no estate tax. Using the carryover basis rule, when you inherit the property, you also inherit the decedent's basis for that property. Therefore, when you sell the property, you will report a gain if the property has appreciated over the decedent's basis. The tax relief act recently signed into law by President Obama eliminates the carryover basis rules after 2010.
    A tax basis example
    Your mother has a house with a tax basis of $60,000. The fair market value of the house is now $300,000. If your mother gives you the house as a gift, your tax basis would be $60,000. If you inherited the house after your mother's death in 2009, the tax basis would be $300,000, its fair market value on the date of her death. What difference does this make? If you sell the house for $310,000 shortly after you got it:
    • Your gain on the sale is $250,000 ($310,000 minus $60,000) if you got the house as a gift.
    • Your gain on the sale is $10,000 ($310,000 minus $300,000) if you got the house as an inheritance.
    What is a gift?
    For tax purposes, a gift is a transfer of property for less than its full value. In other words, if you aren't paid back, at least not fully, it's a gift.
    In 2010, you can give a lifetime total of $1 million in taxable gifts (that exceed the annual tax-free limit) without triggering the gift tax. Beyond the $1 million level, you would actually have to pay the gift tax. For gifts made after 2010, the gift tax exclusion rises to $5 million.
    Gifts not subject to the gift tax
    Here are some gifts that are not considered "taxable gifts" and, therefore, do not count as part of your $1 million lifetime total.
    • Present-interest gift of $13,000 in 2010. "Present-interest" means that the person receiving the gift has an unrestricted right to use or enjoy the gift immediately. In 2010 you could give amounts up to $13,000 to each person, gifting as many different people as you want, without triggering the gift tax.
    • Charitable gifts
    • Gifts to a spouse who is a U.S. citizen. Gifts to foreign spouses are subject to an annual limit of $134,000 in 2010, indexed for inflation.
    • Gifts for educational expenses. To qualify for the unlimited exclusion for qualified education expenses, you must make a direct payment to the educational institution for tuition only. Books, supplies and living expenses do not qualify. If you want to pay for books, supplies and living expenses in addition to the unlimited education exclusion, you can make a 2010 gift of $13,000 to the student under the annual gift exclusion.
    Example: In 2010, an uncle who wants to help his nephew attend medical school sends the school $15,000 for a year's tuition. He also sends his nephew $13,000 for books, supplies and other expenses. Neither payment is reportable for gift tax purposes. If the uncle had sent the nephew $28,000 and the nephew had paid the school, the uncle would have made a taxable gift in the amount of $15,000 ($28,000 less the annual exclusion of $13,000) which would have reduced his $1 million lifetime exclusion by $15,000.
    The gift tax is only due when the entire $1 million lifetime gift tax amount  ($5 million starting in 2011) has been surpassed.
    Payments to 529 state tuition plans are gifts, so you can exclude up to the annual $13,000 amount. In fact, you can give up to $65,000 in one year, using up five year's worth of the exclusion, if you agree not to make another gift to the same person in the following four years.
    Example: A grandmother contributes $65,000 to a qualified state tuition program for her grandchild in 2010. She decides to have this donation qualify for the annual gift exclusion for the next five years, and thus avoids using a portion of her $1 million gift tax exemption.
    • Gifts of medical expenses. Medical payments must be paid directly to the person providing the care in order to qualify for the unlimited exclusion. Qualifying medical expenses include: 
      • Diagnosis and treatment of disease
      • Procedures affecting a structure or function of the body
      • Transportation primarily for medical care
      • Medical insurance, including long-term care insurance
    In addition to these gifts that are not taxable, there are some transactions that are not considered gifts and, therefore, are definitely not taxable gifts.
    • Adding a joint tenant to a bank or brokerage account or to a U.S. Savings Bond. This is not considered to be a gift until the new joint tenant withdraws funds. On the other hand, if you purchased a security in the names of the joint owners, rather than holding it in street name by the brokerage firm, the transaction would count as a gift.
    • Making a bona fide business transaction. Even if you later find out that you paid more than the item was worth based on its fair market value, the transaction is not a gift; just a bad business decision.
    Gifts subject to the gift tax
    The following gifts are considered to be taxable gifts when they exceed the annual gift exclusion amount of $13,000 in 2010. Remember, taxable gifts count as part of the $1 million in 2010 you are allowed to give away during your lifetime, before you must pay the gift tax.
    • Checks. The gift of a check is effective on the date the donor gives the check to the recipient. The donor must still be alive when the donor's bank pays the check. This rule prevents people from making "deathbed gifts" to avoid estate taxes.
    • Adding a joint tenant to real estate. This transaction becomes a taxable gift if the new joint tenant has the right under state law to sever his interest in the joint tenancy and receive half of the property. Note that the recipient only needs to have the right to do so for the transaction to be considered a gift.
    • Loaning $10,000 or more at less than the market rate of interest. The value of the gift is based on the difference between the interest rate charged and the applicable federal rate. Applicable federal rates are revised monthly. This rule does not apply to loans of $10,000 or less.
    • Canceling indebtedness
    • Making a payment owed by someone else. This is a gift to the debtor.
    • Making a gift as an individual to a corporation. Such a donation is considered to be a gift to the individual shareholders of the corporation unless there is a valid business reason for the gift. Such a donation is not a present-interest gift, and thus does not qualify for the annual per person per year exclusion.
    Example: A son owns a corporation worth $100,000. His father wants to help his son and gives the corporation $1 million in exchange for a 1 percent interest in the company. This is a taxable gift from father to son in the amount of $1 million less the value of one percent of the company.
    • A gift of foreign real estate from a U.S. citizen. For example, if a U.S. citizen gives 100 acres he owns in Mexico to someone (whether or not the recipient is a U.S. citizen), it is subject to the gift tax rules if the land is worth more than $13,000.
    • Giving real or tangible property located in the United States. This is subject to the gift tax rules, even if the donor and the recipient are not U.S. citizens or residents. Nonresident aliens who give real or tangible property located in the United States are allowed the $13,000 annual present-interest gift exclusion and unlimited marital deduction to U.S. citizen spouses, but are not allowed the $1 million lifetime gift tax exemption.
    How gifts to minors are taxed
    If you give an amount up to $13,000 to each child each year, your gifts do not count toward the $1 million of gifts you are allowed to give in a lifetime before triggering the gift tax. But what counts as a gift to a minor? 
    • Gifts made outright to the minor
    • Gifts made through a custodial account such as that under the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act (UGMA), the Revised Uniform Gifts to Minors Act, or the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA)
    Note: One disadvantage of using custodial accounts is that the minor must receive the funds at maturity, as defined by state law (generally age 18 or 21), regardless of your wishes.
    A parent's support payments for a minor are not gifts if they are required as part of a legal obligation. They can be considered a gift if the payments are not legally required.
    Example: A father pays for the living expenses of his adult daughter who is living in New York City trying to start a new career. These payments are considered a taxable gift if they exceed $13,000 during 2010. However, if his daughter were 17, the support payments would be considered part of his legal obligation to support her and, therefore, would not be considered gifts.
    Advantages of making a gift
    Giving a gift may earn you more than gratitude:
    • Reduced estate taxes. Moving money out of your estate via lifetime gifts can pay off even if those gifts trigger the gift tax. How? By removing future appreciation on the asset from your estate. Say, for example, that you give your daughter real estate worth $1,013,000, using up your $13,000 exclusion and your entire $1,000,000 2010 lifetime gift exclusion. If the property is worth $3,013,000 when you die, that's $2,000,000 less to be taxed in your estate.
    • Reduced income taxes. If you give property that has a low tax basis (such as a rental house that has depreciated way below its fair market value), or property that generates a lot of taxable income, you may reduce income taxes paid within a family by shifting these assets to family members in lower tax brackets.
    • Teaching your family to manage wealth. Giving family members assets now allows you to monitor their ability to handle their future inheritance.
    Disadvantages of making a gift
    • Reduces your net worth. You need to keep enough assets to care for yourself throughout a long or extended retirement or illness.
    • The Kiddie Tax. Giving funds to children may subject them to the Kiddie Tax, which applies the parents' tax rates to investment earnings of their children that exceed a certain amount. For 2010, the Kiddie Tax applies to investment income exceeding $1,900 for a child under age 19.
    How to report and pay the gift tax
    If you make a taxable gift, you must file Form 709: U.S. Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return, which is due April 15 of the following year. Even if you do not owe a gift tax because you have not reached the $1 million limit, you are still required to file this form if you made a gift that exceeds the $13,000 annual gift tax exclusion level. The IRS needs to keep a running tab of your lifetime exemption.
    Example 1
    In 2010, you give your son $14,000 to help him afford the down payment on his first house. This is a gift, not a loan. You must file a gift tax return and report that you used $1,000 ($14,000 minus the $13,000 annual exclusion) of your $1 million lifetime exemption.
    Example 2
    Same facts as above, except that you give your son $12,000 and your daughter-in-law $2,000 to help with the down payment on a house. Both gifts qualify for the annual exclusion. You do not need to file a gift tax return.
    Example 3
    Same facts in Example 1, but your spouse agrees to "split" the gift—basically this means he or she agrees to let you use part of his or her exclusion for the year. A husband, for example, could give $26,000 to his son without triggering the gift tax if his wife agrees not to give the son any gift that year. Although no tax is due in this situation, the husband would be required to file a gift tax return indicating that the wife had agreed to split the gift.
    Forms, publications and tax returns
    Only individuals file Form 709: U. S. Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return—there's no joint gift tax form. If a husband and a wife each make a taxable gift, each spouse has to file a Form 709.
    On a gift tax return you report the fair market value of the gift on the date of the transfer, your tax basis (as donor) and the identity of the recipient. You should attach supplemental documents that support the valuation of the gift, such as financial statements in the case of a gift of stock in a closely-held corporation or appraisals for real estate.
    If you sell property or family heirlooms to your child for full fair market value, you don't have to file a gift tax return. But you may want to file one anyway to cover yourself in case the IRS later claims that the property was undervalued, and that the transaction was really a partial gift. Filing Form 709 begins the three-year statute of limitations for examination of the return. If you do not file a gift tax return, the IRS could question the valuation of the property at any time in the future.
    For more information on the gift tax, see IRS Publication 950: Introduction to Estate and Gift Taxes.


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