Monday, February 10, 2020

Using Outlook with Gmail

If you convert your email to Gmail, then the best user interface for your mail is the Gmail web interface.  However, if you are a longtime Outlook user and want to continue using it, you have to create a new user account in Outlook that points to your gmail account.  This is not a straightforward exercise.  Plus, in the end, if you want to continue to pull email from your old account, you will have two .pst files in Outlook.  (If you just want to start anew, I have a branch in the instructions below that you can follow to use your old .pst, but with the new gmail email.)

Here are steps to set up your Gmail account in Outlook: Follow these steps in this order. The order is important as unlocking the captcha should always be your final step.

In Gmail, go to Settings . Forwarding . POP/IMAP and make sure IMAP is enabled. Leave all settings at default

1. Start Outlook

2. Go back to your browser and sign into your Gmail account at

3a. If you use 2 step verification, go to your security settings and generate a new App Password. Copy that password

3b. If you don't use 2 step verification, enable access for "less secure" apps:  Then go here: and click Continue.
Then immediately - go back to Outlook and set up your account again, letting Outlook do it automatically using the Setup Wizard.

4a.  If you use 2 step verification, give Outlook your username and paste the App Password you copied earlier into the Password box.
4b.  If you don't use 2 step verification just give Outlook your username and your normal account password

5.  Then let Outlook get on with it and set up your account for automatically.

Leave all Outlook's settings at their defaults until you know whether you have been successful.

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