Wednesday, May 28, 2014

FTC Response to Microsoft Support Scam

RE:  Phone calls from "microsoft" saying that there is a problem/infection/whatever with your computer and offering to fix the problem by logging on to your computer
Result:  If you fall for this, they will charge  $$$, get your credit card info, potentially extract all user ids and passwords from your computer, (even though you might think they were safe), and, in the worst case, if you are uncooperative, trash your computer, potentially destroying your hardware.

The FTC suggests going to this page:
There is a "scam alerts" object on the left side of this page to see the latest. (I understand that this and other FTC pages can change frequently, so the scam alerts object might move to another place.  In your browser, search for FTC {put scam type here} and make sure you go to an site and not a scam site.

By the way, the phone numbers the scammers use.  The FTC rep I talked to said the numbers are related to "burner phones" and can't be traced.

Another Microsoft Scam Number 844...

I just got a phone call from"out of area."  He said he was calling from Microsoft and my computer had a problem.  I asked for his number so I could call him back.  He said his name was Alex and that the call back was 844.615.7281.  Then I referenced  You can see it is the scam.  Please do the same.  Don't fall for this.  BTW, this 844 is a "new exchange"  I would be suspicious of any 844 number.  

How to "search" in Google products

When we want to search we often use the term "google" because the brand has become synonymous with searching.  But not many know how to use the search function effectively.

As a subtopic of this topic, few of us make effective use of filters in Google mail to manage our email, especially relating to spam.  (Filters settings can be found as a main topic on the Google email settings page.) is the start of the Google help on Google filters, especially related to GMAIL.

On this page there are links on the right hand side to follow.  Of special interest is the one on Advanced Search, which discusses syntax.  (In general, special characters, such as ? or *, are not used.)

Youtube help:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Calls from John Kendall, 347 753 9068 are toxic

These calls are from a scam company that is trying to get on your computer and get your money, either through payment of a fee to fix your computer or by stealing your identity.  To see more, see this description.  I am getting about 2 calls a week to fix the problems caused by this and similar calls.  It's good for business, but bad for you.  Please be careful.  Microsoft and any other company will not call you about infections or any thing else involving your computer.  If you have a problem, call me first and I'll sort things out.   Let me know if you get any calls.  If possible, provide the callback number or other information so I can expose them.


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