Tuesday, February 4, 2014

How To Manage AT&T Subaccounts- something you might not know even exists!

When you first signed up for ATT internet service- DSL, UVerse, Dial-up: whatever- you were given a userid and password.  You will find your userid on your DSL bill.  Some customers don't actually use that email as their "primary email."  They may have also created, some time or another, accounts for their spouse, their kids, or other accounts.

Over time, they forget that these accounts are there or how they were created.  Sometimes it gets to be a real mess, with all the accounts and not knowing why your email is acting up.

So, I encourage you to look on your ATT bill and find your primary email address.  Then I encourage you to log on to the ATT.com (not .net) web site and review the accounts you have.  When you log on to the ATT.com website, you use the user id and password for that site, not your email account.

You might be surprised at what you find.  Also, you can create other sub-accounts that you can use as "throw away" accounts for shopping, etc.

Instructions, with screen shots, are found here.

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